Application Form for PHD

Step 1 of 2

  • Marks obtained in final BDS & MDS

    Courses Maximum Marks Obtained Marks Percentage
  • Enclose of the following attested copies of certificate and satiate having done so :

    1. Marks Card of all examination in BDS course / MDS course
    2. Provisional passing certificate of qualifying examination
    3. Certificate for having completed one year of internship
    4. Certificate from State Dental Council for having registered with the council
    5. Academic Certificate
    6. Date of Birth Certificate
    7. Dental Council of India Recognition Certificate of college

    1. Desire to study course, if I am selected for the same will abide by the rules and regulation prescribed for same by Rajiv Gandhi University from time to time.
    2. I hereby solemnly affirm that the statement made and information furnished in my application from and also in all the enclosures thereto submitted by me are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished therein false I may be criminally prosecuted. I also agree forego my seat and other punishment in addition to forfeit of seat. If the information furnished by me is prove wrong are false.

    Shri/Miss has paid fees of Rstowards the provisional admission of post degree course in For the year 2019-2020 vied receipt NumberDate