S.Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Sciences & Research was established in 1986-87 with strength of 40 students for BDS course. Since then it has achieved a remarkable record in this region and the field. The institution was recognized by Dental Council of India in 1995. it is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore. Besides the under graduate program, we also conduct postgraduate program in six specialties of Dentistry.
The Four storied building of Dental College is situated in 7 acres of land on Sedam Road. The institution has got tie up with Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Kalaburagi, BTGH-Basaweshwar Teaching and General Hospital, Kalaburagi for training of students in basic science and medical subjects. We provide an excellent environment and attitude conducive to the progress of students, so that they can achieve high standard of professional knowledge and overall excellence as an individual.
The college & hospital is situated in close proximity to the well known 760 bedded Basaweshwar Hospital. This proximity and reputation of our hospital ensure continuous & large flow of patient with wide range of pathological conditions. Each department is spaciously designed to accommodate separate UG & PG. Clinics, Laboratories, Seminar room, patient waiting area, sterilization & staff room. Every department is well ventilated and has got state of the art teaching technology, and they are well equipped with modern equipments, instruments and all latest materials. The departments are provided with an overhead projector, transparency slide-projector and also all the latest teaching aids like LCD, & Multimedia with internet access.
The faculty members are productively using these facilities not only for training the students but also for conducting continuing Dental Education Programmers for the benefits of all the professionals, students and practitioners.

Our Vision
Imparting ethical and value based dental education, including cutting edge technologies and innovation in the field of dentistry, medicine and information technology leading to higher standards of dental professionals, competent to serve humanity at global level.
Our Mission
Mission is to implement the vision statement in phased manner, in specific time period leading to the centre of excellence in dental higher education of global standards.
Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation
Academic Planning and Development
Finance and Accounts
Student Admission and Support

Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management
• The Teachers, Students and Administrators who are involved as members submit their inputs. All the departments have generated SWOT analysis of their department stratergy.
• There are monthly meetings of representatives of students from all the batches
• To explore new avenues of incentives , awards and welfare measures to attract are conducted and experienced staff are retained
• College conducts educational programmes like CDE programmes , lectures, educational camps etc., which are undertaken by a team involving student representatives and lecturers
The Institution has clearly stated Vision and Mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
• Imparting quality education by creating conducive ambiance through enriched infrastructure, research and investigation laboratories.
• Academic facilities like, state of art class room with audio visual aids. Interactive facilities like video conferencing and library with large collection of volume, books, journals and with internet facility.
• By establishing clinical society to enable the students to exchange views, interact and disseminate knowledge through inter disciplinary meetings within and outside the campus.
• Cater to the dental and oral health treatment needs with subsidized treatment charges to poor and the needy and also provide dental health education and awareness to the community by organizing dental health screening and treatment camps in rural and semi-urban areas.
• Establish various committees like, Academic, Anti ragging, Human rights committees: Student-Teacher & Parents and Alumni association; Student Grievance and counselling cell, Women Grievance cell, to enable each one of them to address their grievance if any and these association also provide a platform to give valuable suggestions, periodic interactions, which is a requisite for healthy and cordial atmosphere for setting higher standards of learning.
• Establish a consortium engaged in research projects planning, organizing , monitoring, implementation and evaluation of the projects and coordinate with various funding agencies for grant and aid
• Encouraging extracurricular activities like indoor and outdoor sports meet, cultural activities, spiritual learning and recreation for overall personality development of an individual.
• Governance and Leadership –The institution has appointed permanent Principal. For no part of time the post was kept vacant. Yearly two professional development programs are held for the non-teaching staff.
• There are computerized Units which processes the activities for the following –Administrative office, Finance unit, Student admissions,Examinations Student Records, Stake holder feedback and analyses.
• Organizational Arrangements: The administration is decentralized .The Principal is assisted by vice principal, Heads of department and others namely Academic, Examination and medical suritendent . They review the functioning of respective committees which incorporate student representatives from both, UG & PG boys and girls. The committees monitor the varied activities of constituents units of the entire education system. All the departments and infrastructure units are headed by competent faculty who leads the department under the directions of The principal and vice principal.
• The Teachers, Students and Administrators, who are involved as members under IQAC, submit their inputs. All the departments have generated SWOT analysis of their department strategy.
Principal Message
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you the website of HKE Society’s S.Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Science & Research, Kalaburagi.
A Great Visionary, an Educationist, Philanthropist & Founder President of HKE Society Sri. Mahadevappa Rampure with his extraordinary foresight has established this HKE Society with various education institutions in 1958. It has completed 60 years of its splendid existence and excels in the field of education.
Our Dental college was established during 1986-87 with the aim of providing Quality Education and Oral Health Care for the people of this Hyderabad Karnataka Education region of the state. The institution is committed to maintain the highest standard of education and is rendering the excellent services in health care, by supporting research and creating a forum for the exchange of comprehensive knowledge, skill, and superior patient care.
The institution at present is conducting undergraduate course for 100 seats, Post graduate courses in six specialties and it is also a Ph.D centre. The college is situated in 7 acres of lush green land on sedam road, Kalaburagi , having a state of art four storied building, housing various clinical, pre-clinical departments, laboratories, class rooms and well ventilated, spacious central library.
I am thankful to all, those who have contributed their services for the growth of this institution during last 32 years which include the management of HKE Society and the eminent faculty members in various specialties. I am fortunate to have the supportive management, dedicated faculty and hardworking supportive staff of this institution which help for overall development of this college.
Our alumni are spread across the globe and many are doing excellent work in their specialties.

Dr. Jayashree Mudda
Vice-Principal Message
It gives me pleasure to be a part of S.Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Science & Research, Kalaburagi, which provides a stimulating and challenging intellectual environment at the forefront of oral health science research with state-of-the-art technologies and international collaborations. It has a major commitment to undergraduate dental education and forefront of post graduate dental education and has PhD program.
I have served this esteemed Institution in various capacities till date. We have witnessed a paradigm shift in terms of the quality education which has fetched us the recognition of being one amongst the top ranking institutions in the country.
Our institution is also training young dentists to pursue courses which will enable them to acquire skill and proficiency in many clinical topics. Institutional contribution to the research field is excellent with many research projects getting published in reputed International journals. The institution is providing best of the treatment to all needy patients and also striving to reach out to rural population by providing necessary dental education as well as treatment. I am sure; students who pursue their course in this premier dental institution will excel with flying colors.
SNDCG invite you to join us in the pursuit of knowledge.

Dr. Veerendra Patil
Vice Principal
Goals and Objectives
- The institutions well defined goals and objectives deals with the patient’s care the quality of dental service it should provide and the standard of dental training it should impart to its students.
- Various committees with representations from staff students have been formed and these committees meet regularly to monitor progress. The college publishes the updated student’s information booklet which includes the comprehensive information regarding these programs, information about the institution, faculty, laboratories, library, syllabus and other details.
- With a clear vision of providing good dental education and quality dental treatment the management has taken the responsibility of providing the necessary infrastructure to reach the stake holders, the management has defined leadership at the institutional and developmental levels.
- The duties of each head are well defined and each one has its independence and autonomy this decentralizing the power. The organization structure has perfect decentralization and has appropriate stakeholders participation at all the critical processes.
- The overall goal of monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of this Strategic Plan is to provide timely and quality information on performance to inform decision making.
- The framework shall comprise of ..
- Monitoring responsibilities -The overall performance monitoring and evaluation shall be the responsibility of the Principal and HOD’s. It is the responsibility of them and other heads of sections to monitor the performance of their areas of in the implementation of this Strategic Plan and recommend and take appropriate action.
- The administration is decentralized .The Principal is assisted by different committee members like Academic, Examination, grievance, disciplinary committee. The committees monitor the various activities of constituents units of the entire education system. All the departments and infrastructure units are headed by competent faculty who leads the department under the directions of the Principal.
- Indicators -The monitoring and evaluation shall be carried out by the principal and HOD’s whose responsibilities shall include:
- Coordinating the development of the college Strategic Plan
- Harmonizing the Departmental Strategic plans
- Coordinating annual work plans
- Implement monitoring and evaluation instruments
- Receiving, analyzing, summarizing and consolidating reports from lower units for onward transmission to the management as per specific timelines
- Carrying out annual, mid-term, end-term evaluations and explaining any significant variations in performance to the management
- Coordinating and helping in drafting performance contracts for all levels and staff reporting on performance contract targets
- Coordinating performance evaluation
- Identifying and tracking performance benchmarks
- Collection and maintenance of performance data -Performance data on each indicator shall be identified and collected on a continuous basis and maintained in a database.